
State Representation Recognition

Published Mon 28 Aug 2023

At Table Tennis Victoria (TTV) we are extremely proud of our long-standing history dating back nearly 100 years to 1925, and so wherever possible we love to be able to highlight this.  

The history section under the About tab highlights all TTV’s highest honours including but not limited to: life members, honour rolls, rankings and now officially state representation. 

Over the past four months Greg Bristowe, Marie Pinkewich, and Bob Tuckett have been working tirelessly on a project to recognise all players who have represented Victoria in the Senior team. This includes allocating a number to each player in order of debut, listing the span of years that a player has represented Victoria. 

The page is now live and up to date under the state representation tab, however we need your help to source some more photos for some of the players. If you have photos of any of the players on the page missing a headshot, please email them to: 

We would like to say a massive thank you to Greg, Marie, and Bob for their contributions towards this project and would like to encourage everyone to have a look through the history pages to honour the amazing contributions of so many Victorians to table tennis throughout the years. 
