Log in

Login not working?

Please head to your club portal and click Returning Member to reactivate it.

Don't have a login?

Please head to your club portal and click New Member to get a National Member ID and login.


Dear TTV Members,

Each year on January 1st the National Membership database rolls over into a new year. When this rollover happens, all members from the previous year are archived. When a member is archived, your login will not work until that member has been renewed into the new year. Please head to the Membership page, click the link to your club and renew your membership for the new year.


Table Tennis Victoria Usage Policy

Access and use, or causing access and use, of this computer system by anyone other than as permitted by Table Tennis Victoria is strictly prohibited by Table Tennis Victoria. Unauthorised users may be subject to criminal and civil penalties.

Table Tennis Victoria staff should be familiar with the confidentiality, privacy, and communications policies related to this system.

The use of this system is routinely monitored and recorded, and anyone accessing this system consents to such monitoring and recording.