
TTV Board Director – Expression of Interest

Published Tue 05 Sep 2023

A key factor in the ongoing success of Table Tennis Victoria (TTV) is to ensure it has the best possible people governing the organisation. The TTV Board has implemented the following process to help identify suitably qualified community members and individuals to fill board, committee and working group vacancies as they arise.

TTV encourages applications from female candidates to ensure we meet the Victorian Government quota of 40% female representation on Victorian State Sporting Association Boards although, as TTV may be looking to fill multiple positions, all genders are welcome to submit their interest.

You can express interest by completing this form. Please note the Board EOI Form will close at 5pm AEST on Friday 6 October. 

Expressions of interest will be considered by the TTV Nominations Committee.

This expression of interest process is separate to the director election process under the TTV Constitution.

For further information, please contact Gen Dohrmann, CEO of Table Tennis Victoria on


Expressions of Interest – Future TTV Board Director

TTV directors have many responsibilities in performing their role. The key responsibilities are listed as part of the TTV Board Code of Conduct By-Law.

The TTV Board is a skills-based board comprising of directors who collectively have the skills, knowledge, and experience to effectively govern and direct the organisation. It is a requirement that candidates have capacity to actively contribute to the Board and its activities. The TTV Board regularly assesses the needs of the organisation, the required mix of skills and experience, and the values and behaviours expected of directors.

The TTV Board’s primary role is one of trusteeship on behalf of its members and stakeholders, ensuring TTV remains viable and effective in the present and for the future.

In addition to the general skills outlined below, the TTV Board is looking to add candidates with table tennis experience, other demonstrated professional skills which are transferable to the organisation, and attributes aligned with TTV’s values.

Duties of Board Director

These include being involved in the following list of activities:

  • Determine TTV’s strategic direction, core values and ethical framework

  • Appoint, direct, support professional development for, and evaluate the Chief Executive Officer

  • Approve, monitor, and review the financial and non-financial performance of the organisation

  • Ensure an effective system of internal controls exists and are implemented, and that key policie are in place that can be legally applied as intended

  • Ensure financial and non-financial risks are appropriately identified and managed

  • Ensure the organisation complies with all relevant laws, codes of conduct and appropriate standards of behaviour

  • Provide an avenue for stakeholder input into the strategic direction of the organisation

  • Ensure director, board and chair performance evaluation occurs regularly

  • Be appropriately prepared for and commit to attending board meetings that are held every six weeks. In addition, directors are expected to attend the annual AGM, any relevant sub-committee meetings, and additional training opportunities, seminars, etc.

You can express interest by completing this form.
